Compliance Simplified

Digital Document Imaging & Storage  

RCI: Experts in Fixed Asset and Records Retention Management​

Convert Physical Records

Physical records are prepped, scanned, indexed and processed for optical character recognition (OCR).

100% Compliant Process

Dual verification of the quality and accuracy of each scanned image and index is performed for every document.

Secure Cloud Storage

Preserve records while providing secure access to authorized users via computer or mobile device.

Converting critical official physical records to official digital records saves money, improves access, and reduces risks. RCI’s Digital Document Imaging services can help you determine which records should be converted, help you build the business case for converting those records, and implement the transition in a 100% compliant process.
Storing records electronically is an intelligent solution for records with permanent or long-term retention requirements. Digital imaging saves storage space and costs. It reduces the risk of misplacement, damage, or total loss due to mishandling, natural degradation, vandalism, theft, or natural or man-made disasters. It makes accessing your documents faster, easier, safer, and more secure.
RCI can scan and index your official physical records so that your digital records become your official record. We can then host your electronic records so they can be safely stored and managed electronically, and accessed by authorized users from a computer or mobile device.
Determining Which Records To Convert Is the First Step.
We don’t believe or recommend that you convert digitize every single record in your files. Determining which records to retain electronically is the first step in the imaging process, and RCI can help you do that. Our clients rely on us to digitally convert official and permanent records such as:
In addition to paper records, RCI can also convert microfilm or microfiche archives to digital images so you can dispense with antiquated, hard-to-use film or card readers.
Properly Assessing the Costs and Benefits Will Help You Build the Business Case for Conversion.
Once you’ve determined the physical records that need to be converted, RCI can help you build the business case that demonstrates the long-term savings and efficiency you will experience with electronic access to these critical records.
Proper Processes Will Ensure Your Digital Records Will Become Your Official Records.
Transitioning your physical official records to digital official records requires that you follow specific processes that will ensure your converted documents meet required standards. RCI has a rigorous quality control process with dual verification of every scanned image to ensure every image meets your state’s requirements for digital records.
Managing Electronic Records Standards and Procedures is as Important as Managing Paper Records.
RCI document scanning and conversion processes are designed with complete fail-safe and quality assurances that comply with regulatory requirements to ensure 100% capture of permanent documents. We offer purge services to remove non-required documentation during the process, and after scanning, we can provide secure document destruction services to destroy the physical paper after all images have been converted to electronic format.
Access, View, and Print Your Document Images Quickly and Easily.
RCI delivers your database and the file access option you selected to support your organization’s requirements. We also provide the software installation and usage training you need for accessing files in your image database. We offer network and cloud-based storage solutions, simplifying access to your documents.
Ongoing Electronic Document Management
RCI delivers electronic content to support your organization’s requirements. We provide Digitech Systems’ cloud-based ImageSilo® and local network PaperVision Enterprise® applications for your Enterprise Content Management.
Compatible with Existing Electronic Document Management Systems.
Already have an existing content management application? No problem! RCI can provide your electronic data in formats that work with your existing systems and tailor our solutions to meet your needs.
Let RCI Save You Time and Money by Scanning, Converting, and Storing Your Permanent Records.